
class PopulationMetropolisHastingsSampler(name: str, shape: tuple, *, scale: float | FloatTensor, random_order_dimension: bool = True, mean_acceptation_rate_target_bounds: Tuple[float, float] = (0.2, 0.4), adaptive_std_factor: float = 0.1, **base_sampler_kws)

Bases: AbstractPopulationGibbsSampler

Metropolis-Hastings sampler for population variables.


The sampling is done for all values at once. This speeds up considerably sampling but usually requires more iterations.


The name of the random variable to sample.

shapetuple of int

The shape of the random variable to sample.

scalefloat > 0 or torch.FloatTensor > 0

An approximate scale for the variable. It will be used to scale the initial adaptive std-dev used in sampler. An extra 1% factor will be applied on top of this scale (STD_SCALE_FACTOR) Note that if you pass a torch tensor, its shape should be compatible with shape of the variable.

random_order_dimensionbool (default True)

This parameter controls whether we randomize the order of indices during the sampling loop. Article https://proceedings.neurips.cc/paper/2016/hash/e4da3b7fbbce2345d7772b0674a318d5-Abstract.html gives a rationale on why we should activate this flag.

mean_acceptation_rate_target_bounds:obj:`tuple`[lower_bound: float, upper_bound: float] with 0 < lower_bound < upper_bound < 1

Bounds on mean acceptation rate. Outside this range, the adaptation of the std-dev of sampler is triggered so to maintain a target acceptation rate in between these too bounds (e.g: ~30%).

adaptive_std_factorfloat in ]0, 1[

Factor by which we increase or decrease the std-dev of sampler when we are out of the custom bounds for the mean acceptation rate. We decrease it by 1 - factor if too low, and increase it with 1 + factor if too high.


Keyword arguments passed to AbstractSampler init method. In particular, you may pass the acceptation_history_length hyperparameter.


Shape of adaptative variance.


sample(data, model, realizations, ...)

For each dimension (1D or 2D) of the population variable, compute current attachment and regularity.


Validate user provided scale in float or torch.Tensor form.

sample(data: Dataset, model: AbstractModel, realizations: CollectionRealization, temperature_inv: float, **attachment_computation_kws) Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]

For each dimension (1D or 2D) of the population variable, compute current attachment and regularity.

Propose a new value for the given dimension of the given population variable, and compute new attachment and regularity.

Do a MH step, keeping if better, or if worse with a probability.


Dataset used for sampling.


Model for which to sample a random variable.


Realization state.

temperature_invfloat > 0

The temperature to use.


Currently not used for population parameters.

attachment, regularity_vartorch.Tensor 0D (scalars)

The attachment and regularity (only for the current variable) at the end of this sampling step (summed on all individuals).

property shape_acceptation: Tuple[int, ...]

Return the shape of acceptation tensor for a single iteration.

tuple of int

The shape of the acceptation history.

property shape_adapted_std: tuple

Shape of adaptative variance.

validate_scale(scale: float | Tensor) Tensor

Validate user provided scale in float or torch.Tensor form.

If necessary, scale is casted to a torch.Tensor.

scalefloat or torch.Tensor

The scale to be validated.


Valid scale.